Katja was a dark-haired French girl, headed to the rave with her friends. She survived the train wreck, only to be captured and locked in the dungeons with Aaron. She is the first other character the player comes across, and urges Aaron to find them both a way out. She suspects the trap before they trigger it, but notices the masked monster gesturing to them from outside the recently-dropped gate. She panics, failing to realize the significance of that, and runs right into it anyway, taking Aaron with her. She was well aware of Max's true nature, but never mentioned it.
Katja's Death[]
Katja sees the masked monster gesturing towards her and Aaron outside the gate, forcing her to run into a trap, along with Aaron.
As a result, both her and Aaron were crushed by the trap as a result.
Heavily relies on Aaron throughout the game's opener.
Physical description[]
Petite French girl with brown hair and dark eyes.